Posted by : Unknown Saturday 4 April 2015

            All Knights swing their sword to enemies armor trying to crush it.  All Spearmans pierce their spear to enemy shield trying to
break it. All Archers aim they target and shot their arrow trying to take down they enemies. All Mages cast their best spell to support they armies or to destroy they enemies. Both of them hold themselves principle in this war. One of the sides trust if the freedom and equality will make they life more peacefully and better meanwhile the other sides trust if the Gods order is the best and will make they life full of bless and more better than before. Eventhough There is no guarantee if they win what they hope will come true, both of them still war. Both of us, my brother and my, also already choose our way. There’s no turning back. This is my duty, Alyut the Chief of the Guardians as the Gods knight to terminate all threat for Gods and humanity. If my brother is one of the threat, i will kill him by myself. Even at the first time i heard his betrayal, i dont believe it. If i remember him again, that’s reminding me about our childhood time and our past. Me, my brother and Lunaris, three of us used to played together. He always teach me many things like how to use sword, kill weak monster and some useful and easy technique. Once we grow up, my brother train hard to become Knight so he can help people around him. From that train he become very strong knight and popular with people because his kindness. He always smile and grin to other people. He always tell me and Lunaris some story funny and made us laugh. His hardwork and kindness attracting God’s attention, then Gods recruit my brother to become they Guardian. Our family and Lunaris so proud with him and also he looks very happy with that. I and Lunaris very inspired with him, both of us train hard to become like him.

One day, my brother got mission from God on far place so he must leave all of  us. He didn’t tell the detail about the mission but he said he will back and told me about his journey after he go back. I’m so excited and can’t wait until he back and tell me about all of his journey. But until that time come, i must train hard and become more stronger so he can proud with me. Lunaris seeing my hardwork and want to train together with me. I’m glad she want to train with me so i accept her request. From that we share each other technique, do practice battle and made a little competition between us who can kill many monster in the forest. Everytime i practice with her i feel something what i never feel before. At first i think this is just normal happiness but everytime when i want to sleep i always thinking about her. After all that feeling i try to watching her carefully. She so beautiful everytime he use her spear and her technique. She always kind and polite to other people and that make she loved by all people of the village. And from that i realized, im falling in love with her charm. One day in our practice she ask me “Is there something wrong Alyut ?” i’m surprised with her question, maybe she know that in few days i always watching her. I just answered “Nothing. You look more stronger and better than before.” For now i can’t tell her if im in love with her, we still young and there is no sign if Lunaris love with me too. I must hold this feeling until i can do all the thing by myself and more stronger than my brother. And when that time come, i will tell her what im feeling and will marry her.

One day at the afternoon The Priest come to my place and tell me that they are received message from the Gods. God’s tell them that i invited to become The Guardians of The God. I’m so happy when i heard that news, finally gods see my hardwork to become they Knight and i can serve them and humanity like my brother. In the middle of my happiness i remembered with Lunaris. Is Lunaris got the invitation too ? After that Priest back to their place, i run to Lunaris home to tell this happy news and asking her about the invitation too. When i running to her home im surprised i meet her on the way, but she looks very happy and tired too. She tell me that she got the invitation from priest to become the Guardians. I was surprised with that, i tell her if i got the invitation too. She so surprised when hear that even she yell out and hug me. She said “Our hardwork is not wasted Alyut. Your brother must be proud with us when he know about this.”. I’m agree with her but i feel something wrong when she said that. That feeling doesnt matter now, now me and Lunaris must go to the Land of Gods and become the Guardians of the God. Brother, i hope you are here and hear about this news so we can celebrate it together. Me, You and Lunaris.

After me and Lunaris arrived in the Land of Gods, The Priest welcomed us well. They show us where we will stay and our base. Also they introduce us with the other member of Guardians. They are Farlon, Ramna, Ophelia, Rina, Zephyr. And i can sense if they are very strong but they all nice and kind even to a new member like me and Lunaris. I’m asking to the priest “When my brother coming back from his mission ?” The Priest just answered “Soon”.  And They said Gods want meet with both of us first before we can do our job as they Guardians. In our meeting with Gods they tell me the reason why they choose me and Lunaris. The reason is because my brother recommending me and Lunaris. I dont believe what i heard before and Lunaris seems like have same reaction with me too. Gods said my brother always watching us everytime me and Lunaris training. He looks our seriousness, spirit, discipline and hardwork. Before he leave for his mission, He want to help us with try to recommending us to become the guardians, Gods said they will thinking about that. After my brother leave, Gods watching us everytime we training and they realized what my brother said is true so they agree to invite us to join the Guardians. Even until now you always help both of us, you’re really really kind brother. Lunaris crying a lot, i know she not cry because she sad but because she so happy knowing that my brother helping us to become like him. I know that because i want to cry too but i hold it. From there i decide to become more stronger than this so i’m not disappoint him when he back.

A few months later after me and Lunaris join the Guardians, there are some news if my brother is back from his mission. Im surprised hear that news, i tell it to the Lunaris and she surprised too. Both of us go to the Guardians base and find that my brother already in there. I sense his power is more stronger than before he leave, he see me and Lunaris who just arrived here. He grin like usual and hug me and Lunaris. After that he pat our head like what he did when we still a little kid and said “You did it Alyut, Lunaris. I will test both of your strength after i have a rest from this troublesome journey. If the Gods give me some Holiday for rest.” Both of us laugh when hear what brother said, I’m glad he didn’t change at all and can coming back safely. Then he introduce us to the new member of Guardians, Signas and Grybe. My brother recruit them on his journey because they kindness and strength. All other Guardians member so happy have a new member and welcomed them well. They seems like happy too can join the Guardians. Not long after he arrived and take a rest, Priest come to tell my brother if the God’s want to meet him. He take a leave and we back to our normal activities again. The night come, when i want to sleep someone knock my room door. I open the door and my brother behind it. Im asking “Why you come here this late ?” He answered “I need to fulfil my promise first before i go to sleep.” I’m glad he still remember his promise to tell me about his journey. I let him in to my room and we sit in my bed. He start tell me about his journey with his style. When he accross the desert, meet the Grybe, climb the ice mountain and meet the Signas. Face the various monster he never seen before, meet the other people in other village and country also eat many food and drink he never taste before. He’s so excited when he tell his story and use many expression and style to describe it, im laugh so hard when he use funny expression. After he finish tell his journey he said “I’m proud with you Alyut. You can reach here along with Lunaris.” I replied his word “Me and Lunaris can’t reach here without your help brother.” He smile when hear that. “What i do is just recommend you and Lunaris. The one who made you are invited to become Guardians is yourself. Your hardwork and dedication to become more stronger made Gods interest with you and believe you can serve them and humanity well.” He’s right, without our hardwork maybe Gods will not give an order to Priest for come to my home and invite me to join the Guardians. My brother stand and want to leave, he said if he already feel sleepy and he will back to his room. He must be so tired after do a long journey.

On the next day The Priest tell to us if the Gods promote my brother to become the Guardians Chief. All member agree with Gods decission and no one complain about it. My brother lead the Guardians with nice and well. Every missions what Gods give to us can we clear it without any problem. When the situation become worst, he will joking around to boost up the member mood. His leadership made the Guardians can get along well and popular amongs the Gods and Humans. We almost can do anything when he lead us. And someday i will become like him, become the useful leader and liked by many people and my own comrade. One day in the other our mission i meet a young man holding a big spear on both of his hands. He practice in the middle of field using that spear and do some awesome technique. I come to him and greet him nicely, said his technique looks awesome. He thanks to me and tell me if that’s technique he made by himself. I’m surprised with what his said. Young man like him can made awesome technique, im interest with him. I pull my sword and ask him can i join him to be his practice opponent, he accept it with smile. He enjoy our duel and move his spear with energic. He still young but have awesome spirit and skill. After our practice is over i ask his name, his name is Raydn. I also introduce myself to him and he surprised that im the member of Guardians of the God. He said he so happy can duel with me and want to duel with me again next time. I accept his challenge and said to him to train more harder so he can join with me to become the Guardians. Everytime i have a spare time, i visit Raydn and practice with him. My relationship with Raydn is more closer and i view him like a best friend. I want to help him join the Guardians and i try it like what my brother did to me and Lunaris. I meet the Gods and recommending Raydn to join the Guardians. The Gods said they will thinking about my recommend. I’m feel relief now after i help Raydn to join with me in the Guardians. A few weeks passed, The Priests come to the base bring some news. The Priests said there will be new member join with the Guardians. The new member name is Raydn and Luly. I’m so happy when hear that my best friend finally can join here. When Luly and Raydn come here we welcomed them and celebrate it with party. My brother directly hug them and tread them like his little brother and little sister. Raydn and Luly seems like my brother too and can get along with him. I’m happy knowing we all can together like a big family. Thanks to my brother who make all this happen. From that on we all called 12 Guardians of The Gods.

After a few months our togetherness, my brother looks very serious than before. I didn’t know why he looks like that, i want to ask it but he already leave. On the next morning he still not back. I’m start getting worried with him, im asking with other member and no one have an idea about where is he now and what happen to him. A week after my brother leave without information The Priest come and tell us if my brother betray all of us and the Gods. I didn’t believe this, I need to meet with the Gods to confirm it. The Gods said my brother betrayal is true. He leave the Land of Gods and spread the Gods secret to humans and try to ignite the war between the Gods and Humans. Thats impossible, how my brother who always loyal to the Gods and very nice to people can do that thing. I want to meet with my brother but the Gods disallow it and tell me to do not trust anything what my brother said because that just a lie he made. I still didnt believe what Gods said about my brother until i confirm it by myself. Next The Gods order the Guardians to lead God army to find my brother and bring him to here. And he promote me become the next Guardians Chief replace my brother. We all search him in every village, country,kingdom and empire but still have no clue about him. One night after a long day looking for my brother, we resting at the base and make some report about our search. But Farlon still not coming back until late night. We all worried with him especially Ramna, his girlfriend. Then, The Priest come to the base and tell us if my brother almost kill Farlon. He said Farlon made it to find my brother and fight each other, Farlon lose and when my brother want to finish Farlon life, The God Army come and he escape. Now Farlon is dying and medic is trying to safe his live.  I don’t believe it, my brother did this to his own comrade. I can’t forgive him and very angry right now, I must stop all of this before this incident going further and my brother makes more victims. On the next day i give an order to all God Army and the Guardians to find my brother quickly and give a report to me immediately if they find my brother or some clue about him. Our search getting more better, from the information we got, he build some alliance with human country and prepare the army to attack Land of Gods. Knowing that, i immediately report this to the Gods. The Gods order me for preparing the God Army to attack that traitor and his alliance first before he reach and attack the Land of Gods. When i back to the base i received new information from our scout. They said some Guardians member become a traitor and join with my brother army.  That traitor is Ramna, Grybe, Signas,Luly and Zephyr. After he leave us, try to kill his own comrade and now he split us ? I can’t accept it anymore. I must do something before this situation getting worst.

Rumors start spreading around the God Army about the reason of my brother betrayal. Rumor said my brother want to attack Land of Gods to stop Gods plan for destroying all human kind. Some soldier believe with the rumors and begin questioning God order. Before the rumors spreading too far and many soldier doubt with the Gods, i explain this situation to the Gods. They said “That’s a lie ! How can The Gods destroy all humankind after what human do for The Gods ? All humans always seek our help from they pray and we The Gods always help humans in every situation.”. That’s make a sense, how can All Gods do that thing after they help and bless us everytime. After heard explanation from The Gods itself, im not worried anymore. I gather all officer and the Guardians member and explain if the rumor is wrong and the reason. They listen well and trust with that reason and i give them order to explain this to they comrade too. After that our scout come and tell us if they find the main base of rebellion army. I call all the office and the Guardians again and tell them about the new information from our scout and made a meeting to discuss what must we do. We agree to write challenge latter to war for them, the we discuss about our war strategy. In the middle of meeting i promote Raydn to become Lieutenant and my vice, he is the only man i believe for now and i want he always beside me at the war later. After a long meeting, we all back to our room include me. When i want to sleep someone knock my door room. I open it and that’s Lunaris who knock my door. Her face has a worried expression and she need to talk with my right now, only she and me. I let her come to my room and ask her “What do you want talk about ?” She answered “Are you sure about all of this Alyut ? Have a war with your brother who always helping us since we child until we growing up ?” Did Lunaris still believe with the rumor ? “Why you asking that ? You doubt The Gods ?” She looks more worried
“I’m not. I just feel something wrong with all of this. We know him since we child, even he already like my own brother. We know that your brother is a kind person. How can he do all this thing without reason ?”
“Everyone can change Lunaris. Maybe he was a kind, cheerful, funny and trusted person before. But he’s different now. He betrayed all of us !” i shout loud to her.
“He leave us ! He almost kill Farlon his own comrade ! He split us ! He is the worst person ever ! He is.. he is..” everytime i remember what he do to the Guardians, i can’t hold my anger. Because he’s a traitor, he betray us, HE ABANDONED US ALL. When im very angry with my brother, Lunaris holding both of my hands.
“Alyut, i know what you feel right now. I feel the same too, but try to remember his kindness to the Guardians, to both of us. He is a kind person and i believe he’s still not change.”
“Please Alyut, i beg to you. Try to talk with him first, listen the reason why he do all of this.” When i see her face, i feel more calm. I can’t let out my anger in front of her, the girl who i love.
“Fine, i will do it. But if he refuse to surrender and talk with us, you will lend me your power and we will defeat us before this situation getting worst and become into chaos.”
“Thanks Alyut. I know you still trust your brother and want he back to us. And yes, i promise to you i will lend my power if he do that.” Then she hug me tightly, her hug feel so warm. I hope my brother will surrender so we can avoid this war.

            But when that day is come, he refuse to surrender. He already didn’t trust all of us. Lunaris looks so sad but she try to hold her feeling, he make the girl who i love sad like this. I cant hold my angry anymore. Sorry Lunaris, i must stop him right now. Then now between the God Army and the Rebellion Army is begin. I fight side by side with my best friend, Raydn. I let out all of my angry to the enemy, slash them like a mad knight. Raydn know my feeling after see me like that. He said “We should move forward to the enemy line and find your brother, Alyut. We can make this war over by killing him.” Raydn right, we can finish this war by kill my brother. Me and Raydn start to go forward and try to find him. We pass Lunaris and see her fighting with the enemy soldier, i still feel her sadness from her eyes. But dont worry Lunaris, i will finish this immediately. Shortly after me and Raydn enter the enemy line, we found him. He defeat many our soldier and try to get in my army line too but i try chase him and shout his name. He hear my shout and change his view to me. I directly swing my sword to him but he block it using his sword. I see his eyes and i know he see me different now. We begin our battle, we both received damage from each other. I feel something wrong with this battle, why this battle is so much easier than my practice with him before ? We reach our limit and running out of energy. He just standing there, looks tired and wounded. And He looks like can’t fight me anymore. Im walking toward him slowly because my wound feel so hurt.
“Why ?? Why you hold your power against me ?” he just smile after hearing my word and thats make me more angry.
“Its Fine, if you dont want answer it. That’s your fault and i will finish you and this war.” I raise up my sword and gather all the left of my power. When i gather all of my power he let off his helmet.
“If my dead make you happy, i will fine. I wish you in the right path, Alyut.” He smile and grin like a usual. My tears come out when i see his face and hear what he said. I feel sorry for him, for Lunaris, for all the Guardians. I will remember all of your kindness brother. You are the most precious person in my life. Good bye.

“SOOOOODDDDDIIIIIISSSSSS.....!!!” i directly swing my sword with the full power to him. There will be no person like you again, brother.”


"People minds are shaken by time.
However, no matter how dark things get, light will surely come."

ATTENTION : This story just a fanfiction and not from Alim (Brave Frontier Developer Company)

Created by : Beldek Putro
Sorry for bad grammar of English, comment below if you find something wrong with the story.
The source and main idea of this fanfiction is from wiki, unit description and many more.
I hope you enjoy reading my story, and wait another story from me in this blog or my fanpage

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