Posted by : Unknown Friday 13 March 2015

                “Sodis ! The Leader of Rebellion Army. I’m Alyut, the Chief of Guardians of the God. The God has been give me  an order to catch you and your allies on charges with the crime of treason. Surrender your army now and i will bring you and your army to the God to be judged. But if you refuse it, I and my army will
punish you here in the name of God. What your answer ?”
I still can’t believe my brother will said that to me and become God’s doll like that. Damn you god, you make me must have war with my own brother. You’re not the greatest creature, YOU ARE THE WORST. It all began when i was choosen to be the Guardian of the God member long time ago. I glad to serve Gods and become they guardian. When my brother and our childhood friend, Lunaris know that, both of them very inspired and training hard to become like me. I’m happy about that and i try recommend them to God, but God said they will thinking about that. After that, God give me mission to find new members and invite them to join Guardians. I dont know why god trust me to choose other member of Guardian, but i believe God must be have a good reason to that.

            After a long time of journey, i recruit Grybe and Signas who I meet on my journey. When i back to Land of Gods, the Priest doesn’t agree about Signas and Grybe join the Guardians. But i insist to make them become one of Guardians and after a long discussion the Priest agree. I’m back to the base and i find out the Guardians have a new member. They are Zephyr, Ramna, Farlon, Ophelia, Alyut and Lunaris. I’m very happy when know Alyut and Lunaris made it to join Guardians. God ask me to become the Chief of Guardians and lead them in every mission and i accept it.  We do the task from god together, we become the great team and popular amongs the God and humans. After that, Guardians have a new member again, they are Raydn and Luly. Alyut looks very happy when his best friend join with him. We do a lot of mission and task from the God. Guardians become more bigger and more stronger and our relationship is more closer like a family. I was very happy that Guardians can become like this.

            But that feel didn’t last long. God invite me to discuss something. In that discuss they plan to destroy all humans and left a humans who worship to the god and ask me to join them in that plan. I can’t accept it, how i can kill my own race ? I must go to human world and tell them this plan, i must safe all the humans. Then i leave the Land of Gods to tell the God plan to humans. I didn’t tell it first to Guardians because i want tell to the king in every country first. But the God know my plan and called me a traitor who try to rebel against god with other humans. I searched by God Army and other Guardians, i try to escape and move from country to other country as i spread the plan of God about the extinction. And Farlon was the first who made it to find me. I try to explain why i leave to him and the true plan of god but he dont believe it. I dont have any other option except defeat him before the other Guardian or God Army come to help him and find me. After the serious battle at last i can take him down but i can’t kill him, he almost like my brother. I’m hurry to leave that place before the others find me. Sorry Farlon, i must do this to you.

In the middle of my mission to spread the God Plan and gather some army to fight the God, Ramna and Grybe find me. They ask me why i leave the Guardians and why i hurt Farlon. I tell them the truth. They seems like dont believe it at first but i make them sure about this plan. I ask them to join me to fight the Gods and they accept it. Later Zephyr, Luly and Signas join with three of us and we called ourselves Rebel Guardians. I ask them about the rest of Guardians member, Signas said when i leave, Alyut take my position as a Chief and now he lead the rest of the Guardians also the God Army to find me. I dont believe Alyut do all this thing, The God must be behind this all. As long i’m in my runaway, they 5 always help and protecting me from the God Army who try to catch and kill me. I was very helped because of that, they are really my best friend and comrade. But i see something wrong with zephyr, i ask him why. He said he doubt about my information and want to find the right information by himself. Then i let him go and find it. He leave us back to the Land of Gods and we 5 continue the journey. Not long after he leave, he back again and said he believe me but he must make sure about this so he leave again to search some information. I wish he can find what he search. One day, Grybe bring some message with serious looking face. I read the message and it was the challenge from Alyut to battle in the nearest field.  The God must be brainwash my brother and make him think im the terrorrist now. I must accept this challenge and tell him the truth about all, and then i give order to Grybe and Ramna to call all our armies and allies to prepare for the battle.

And now we here, on the battlefield. Hear my brother who become the Commander of God Army saying he want me to give up. Am i must give up so i can avoid this war and hurt my little brother ? I see Alyut eyes and i know, it will be useless to say the truth to him, He already in under control of God. Lunaris and Raydn just follow Alyut order and believe he’s do the right thing. Farlon seems like already healed and more getting angry after that fight and also know his girlfriend join the rebel. Ophelia and Rina too, they just follow the order from God without knowing anything. And we still dont know where is Zephyr now. I blame myself because i can’t safe my own comrade, the other Guardians. Should i surrender now ?
“I know you’re in doubt after see your brother and the others Sodis.” I’m seeing to Signas after she said that.
“You know what on my mind right now ?”
“Nope, but i know it when i see your act. Dont worry, We are always beside you and support you anytime anywhere. So please, do not hesitate.” Signas hold my hands tightly.
“She’s right sir. I’m Grybe will always crush anyone who stand in your way.”
“Don’t forget me this cute little mage too Sir Sodis. I will help you with my magic.”
“Me and my blade too Sodis. I will not stop until Farlon realize the truth because i love him so much. And i think Zephyr will agree with us too if he is here.”
“You guys....” My Comrades give me spirit, what kind of leader i am ? They’re right, there is no time to doubt. I must made up my mind and do this because this is right and stop the God Plan. If this is me and my brother fate to have a war, let it happen.
“Alyut the Chief of Guardians of the God ! Sorry i must to say this. I can’t give up ! I must stop the God and safe the entire human race ! If the war should be happen, then let it happen !” Alyut looks very angry when i said that.
“Allright then ! Warrior of the God ! Let we show them our Power which we got from God ! CHARGE !”
“Brace yourself humans. Dont let God destroy all of us ! We fight now for our child and grandchild future and if we must die here, let we die here for them ! TO THE END !”


"There is no Justice there.
However i will continue moving forth as it's true power that lies ahead"

ATTENTION : This story just a fanfiction and not from Alim (Brave Frontier Developer Company)

Created by : Beldek Putro
Sorry for bad English, comment below if you find something wrong with the story.
The source and main idea of this fanfiction is from wiki, unit description and many more.
I hope you enjoy reading my story, and wait another story from me in this blog or my fanpage

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